
Synopsis of the Books of the Bible: Ezra to Malachi is unavailable, but you can change that!

How do we interpret biblical prophecy? What are the implications of the rapture? What is the relationship between the church on earth and God’s future kingdom? John Darby began to seriously consider these questions during the nineteenth century, and his answers gave rise to fundamentalism in America and profoundly influenced preachers such as Dwight Moody and authors such as Tim LaHaye. The...

Sorrows, Jehovah’s ways, millennial praises We have then a kind of supplementary series:—first, of their characteristic sorrows and Jehovah’s ways in the latter days, and then of millennial praises. These sorrows are from Psalm 137 to Psalm 144—the latter, however, being the expectation of deliverance and blessing. Psalm 139 also has a peculiar character, as will be at once seen. Psalm 137 Remembrance of Zion in their past captivity PSALM 137 refers, and alone does—to give the full history of Israel’s
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